Thursday 9 August 2012

Saving the best 'til last: the Pink Trail

Yay!  I finally made it - I captured all 82 Wennies & Mandies on film when I finished this walk - the Pink Trail - 13 in all over 2.6km walk through London's West End.

Cool!  I thought two high points of the walk were Victoria Embankment Park and the beautiful Seven Dials (looks just like Paris in my opinion).  In addition Spotlight Mandeville was ace, just tucked away behind Wyndham's Theatre on Charing Cross Road (really cool spot).

The Wennies & Mandies were as such;

  1. Flower Seller Mandeville
  2. Tourist Wenlock
  3. Busker Wenlock
  4. Wenlock
  5. Somerset House Mandeville
  6. Cleopatra's Needle Wenlock
  7. Embankment Wenlock
  8. Novel Wenlock
  9. Trafalgar Wenlock
  10. Filmstar Wenlock
  11. Spotlight Mandeville
  12. China Town Mandeville
  13. Performer Wenlock

So, there you have it.


Dad x


  1. hey,
    wow I can't believe you have done all the trails! so cool!xxx

    I liked the Somerset House Mandeville its cool xxx
    which was your fave trail?xxx

    lots of love
    oppy xxxxx

  2. And the tourist one it looks like you!
    (just joking!xx)

    And the film star one!x
    No scratch that I love them all xxx

    Oppy xxx

    P.S thank you for not forgetting to update this blog (Its AMAZING!)
